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==Demo Session==
==Demo Session==
* {{Affinity|https://www.affinity.works}} - Matt
* Affinity|https://www.affinity.works - Matt
* {{Github|freedomofpress/SecureDrop|SecureDrop}}
* {{Github|freedomofpress/SecureDrop|SecureDrop}}
* Temporary remote wireless networks: Burning Man case study - Bron
* Temporary remote wireless networks: Burning Man case study - Bron

Revision as of 12:17, 19 November 2017

Aspiration events are first and foremost convened to strengthen the ties and social networks of technology practitioners in the nonprofit/nongovernmental sectors.

The #npdev session list is co-developed with participants, facilitators, and partners in the time leading up to and during the Festival. We strongly encourage you to join in the fun at this unique and interactive gathering!

The agenda is designed and facilitated using Aspiration's unique participatory model, in an environment where powerpoint slides are discouraged and dialogue and collaboration drive the learning.

Our philosophy centers around getting participants into small-group discussions where they can discuss topics they are passionate about and get answers to their questions and curiosities. Sessions at Aspirations have particular traits; we de-emphasize presentations and lecture, and instead focus on "break-out" sessions that are self-organized whenever possible .

Wednesday November 15

Opening Circle

One-on-one Walk and Talk

Around the World

Working Sessions I

Working Sessions II

Happy Hour

Thursday, November 16

Working Sessions III

Thursday Skillshare

Demo Session

Thursday Breakout Session II

Friday, November 17

Friday Breakout Session I

Friday Breakout Session II

Friday Breakout Session III

  • TBD