What can be better in Wordpress?

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What can be better in Wordpress?

A representative from Automattic asked us about what can be better and what shared what is on the horizon.

Focus of session: What can be better in Wordpress? Many folks were contractors/hosters that work with clients/end-users, and there was a lot of interest in being able to audit changes to installations made by clients for many reasons, including security. We saw some of the recent developments focused around the block editing infrastructure.

  • Block editor paradigm has replaced plain text entry
  • Roundtripping
  • Workflow between template design (by contractor) and content entry (by customer) needs clarity
  • Managing (and/or locking down) security review of code/plugins added by clients needs help. wpscan is a possible tool that might help
  • Is there a way to ensure plugins stay up-to-date and don't become abandoned security holes? Reducing plugins and potentially restricting what clients can install might help.
  • There's now a performance task force with wordpress.org
  • Automattic is the for-profit entity; wordpress.org is a separate non-profit foundation (which many Automattic employees work to support)
  • How does one use wordpress to manage a static website?
  • Dueling priorities: security and ease of use
  • resources for building themes
    • Learn.wordpress.org
    • Block theme developer handbook
  • Wordpress Forums are still a thing
  • meetups are being rebooted by Wordpress community team
    • Community team is reaching out to each local Meetup to ask what support they need
  • "2024" theme is a great starting point for building a new theme
  • "theme.json" is now important for using the new(er) theme design tool
  • font handling is in the process of getting major improvements
  • "patterns" are a new thing with block layout