Scaling organizations and networks

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Lot of value in how it scales.

How can it effect more change? Through education - what can I have my students do that has a ripple effect - historical documentation of movements—movement level structure.

Pictures of Tracey's Flipcharts

Examples and concepts:

  • Community of practice to scale
  • polycentriticity -
    • Information referral systems - not a lot of funding is going into the community - but there needs to be more resources for capacity to give help. Then, turning to advocacy to get more resources.
    • People are referred to the library to use computers, but they don’t have computers. You’re sending people off into the darkness—a broken pathway.
    • Given everyone’s limited capacity, how can you be strategic about who you teach and support?
    • Requirements in universities that have strategic nodes.
    • How do you make sure you keep an open network - indirectly impressed.
    • It would be best if you had feedback loops.
    • Networks need to communicate with each other.
    • Communication is always an opportunity to address misaligned assumptions.
    • Can you identify the points of pain and
    • Programmatically - Achilles heel -
    • Obstacles - people are overworked -
    • That is input - you had to fill it out. structured -
    • Engendered feedback - start, stop, celebrate -
    • Identify nodes that will work -
  • Every software - scaling feedback - one small team -
    • Seven people supporting 20 states -
    • Generating project proposals -
    • Good models of Delegation - Six Sigma corporate management tools - process refinement and sprints - apply a process model - novel vs
    • Failure and Iteration.
    • Goal setting and reflection - scaling - different approaches - this is the challenging goal.
    • Goals - events - nurture
    • Run a project - a pilot, a pilot -
    • Here’s your budget - go spend out.
      • No follow-up funding -

Impacting the movement - unionise the ferries

  • Stakeholder mapping & power analysis
  • How do we power mapping?