Movement hosting narrative

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Many of us who provide hosting services explain poorly

we have reason we thinking folks would move but don't think it resonates

700 people

  • still use services

extrapolate: stories from other groups that care about this issue and let us know why you think they are motivated


  • digging into why movement hosting matters

not the technicalities

why it's meaningful

why it matters

I want to take care of my community

  • protect privacy

Desire for liberation, from some infra they know is surveillance us or taking away ownership ---

potential audience:

  • have a couple of websites, hosted in various places

I have a vague sense of distrust would like to be relieved from without knowing any of the particulars and I fear that it will be

I want relief (anxiety, distrust) ---

  • someone set up sites without providing dns, and other
  • didn't have an agreement to transfer ownership and lose their domain, website
  • lost of content
  • no relationship to host
  • lack of control
  • people approach mvt hoster with this experience

we want to be stable host and provide tools like DNS register


to work with people that are aligned with your values

  • working with migrant communities: would you put money into company that was supporting oppositiong
  • what would be a specific story,

how to make it less abstract

if I'm talking a vendor,

if Google was taking advantage of migrant workers: this value aligns

making sense out of complexity


  • integrity and accountability
  • this hosting providers are accountable to me and make it clear

trust, relationship of trust

--- desire for liberation


alienation: can't talk to a person, of capitalism

interdependence and solidarity

building the world thru practicing building the world

--- safety






walking the talk:



participating in

we agree

planting seeds >> sustainability

doing my part,

cool jeans?

Spain 2018 and trade offs exercises: what makes a good provider?

Why do you care?

Who are the decision makers?





why aren't they?

  • there's not a capacity
  • convenance
  • familiar


how to make recommendations:

  • based on the trust that we've built over years

social capital and relationships

the broccoli and fast food


what is top of mind?


tailor narrative to needs of audience

  • using metaphors (movement hosting as broccoli)


who are we trying to reach

what do they care about


  • who do we want?
  • who do we need?


cost and scope:

  • provider: statewide data center

ignoring the reality of the scope/scale of webhosting

value proposition:

  • messaging strategy
  • get clear on vp: part of a business plan
  • what value are we bringing into the world that makes us distinct:

why the move should be done in the 1st place?

  • independence and not being locked in

success of their story telling

we could talk about security with countless examples of corporate failures

how many different entities and stories can a single entity tell at a given time?