Internal communications

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Information Ecology's Sample Internal Communications Agreement:

  • management vs employees
  • standardize or not (i.e. letting all teams choose their own)
  • Open vs not
  • client communication
  • internal communication is heart of culture
  • internal communication is hot potato
  • security adds another layer of complexity
  • how does one do ad hoc projects ("flocking")?
  • often, internal communcation sucks
  • one challenge; teaching people which tools are appropriate for which seeting and situation
  • we discussed generalized tools vs specific tools
  • some orgs have people who's authority/responsibility is internal tooling
  • what approachs work in large organizations vs small organizations/teams?
  • how does enforcement of tool use work?
  • how does one make best practices clear, and maintain accountablity to the agreement? Needs to be in writing.
  • how does one remain inclusive while also serviing open source as a value (when some people's brains aren't compatible with the tool)?
  • in person is often important
  • pandemic caused "rereckoning" of "why are we here?".
  • how does one have non-punative accountablilty?
  • Some poeple have boundaries around some technology, and just won't engate with some technology
  • executive management often has different tools than everyone else. who enforces with them?
  • many organizations copy approaches used by other organization
  • need tools for deliberative privacy
  • some human elements are both often gendered and not recogized as real work
  • should we have a "" for internal communication tool stacks?
  • how does one do emotional labor with many of these tools?
  • power dynamics often embedded in tooling
  • neurodiveranege has become enormous issue
  • groundrules (self-enforced norms vs policy )
  • (see also "The Love Machine": )

--- managing a product team: scrum team in the same room work ok

growing a team within government

high touch p2p communication is difficult to scale

up down the hierarchy

--- groups spend so much time with external comms but not intentional about internal comms

messy within unions and enterprise infrastructure

management (np) is a nefarious, a tension between staff and management

inattention and protocols internally scaling


wikimedia: lots of opinions about internal documentation tools, FLOSS, UX/usability of tools esp FLOSS/Not

internal wiki for the organization

decision points for internal info vs external info

standardizing tools and processes but how to decide/agree on which standards to enforce, etc

open source software

tech committee for open referral human resources standards

fully remote head strong people how to set boundaries, visibility,

work flows

what are viable open source alternatives that would function

client support: internal and critical element (clients, revenue) how to maintain engagement; silence communicates more than maybe intended

--- internal comms as hot potato

foundation for culture setting, mission delivery, safety

yet is difficult

most important and no body owns

foundational enabling constructs of collaboration of mvt building

--- nonprofit sector the center point is people not just tools

how to put the people in the center is essential

using their language

ensures success of their product

quiet: tool for internal comms

co-founder fight for future

internal chat: was how responded, thought, reacted together

hacking to get access to internal comms

E2E so could be run by 3rd party

user needs - signal doesn't work for teams; group doesn't work for signal

tools that don't require servers; so could work in case servers go down

role of authority / decision making limits in work and how influences

matrix: when we use x tool and y tool and why

culture, clarity of roles,

unionization ---

flocking, temporary collaborations and how to manage work flows and information

mvt attempts to build internal comm tools like crabgrass

project management

institutional histories

--- communications coordinator

project coordinators

easy when working with one org

time limited collaborations with and how to bring people together

streamline the function once realize things are crumbling

1 - 100s remote size experiences

internal comms reflect limited ways thinking about distributing power

bringing in subcontracts

internal as a project working on

working open

micro blogging


position as internal comms

university research institute

IT institute

minor in communication

managing large team is difficult

vision and mission and

head of department:

structured flow of information

when to use an email

call a meeting

follow up to an email that needed processing time turns into

right tool for a team

understanding a team

processes, understanding people

often times for a tasks manager

google sheets as a task manager for a team

dedicated tool might not be appropriate for the job

a more generalized and flexible thing is sometimes easier/more appropriate

how do you enforce tool adoption

how specific do you get

--- efficiency in the flow;

clarifying when is urgent to attend to

not everything has to be an email


power and how distributed in organizations

more than just

accountability mechanisms without IC hard

explicit policy is essential without leads to organic policy which reinforces

this is what we agree to do : IC contract of how to work together


a full assessment of the needs of the organization

not about the tool: concept, context of the problem, what is the conceptual discussion

policy is to help correct a problem or create a more equitable playfield


clarity on tools is often about chatting

less clarity around project management work

open project (values aligned)

diverse thinking/participants forced to use other tools that reduces inclusivity

not just the tool but the interactions


labour of organizing the activities and follow thru


impact of the pandemic on labour experiences

how to make accountability non punitive

work that is transactional

what are the minimum set of communications that we can expect to

power relationships and dynamics

what can we reasonability expect of leadership and staff


--- comm is engagement

documentation that's not used


auditing work flows for communication

challenges of US nonprofit section: policy enforcement

power that's not talked about

for compliance reasons: signal is not

guidelines and documentation that is not enforcement


the difference of size/scale of orgs

being in orgs that want to get things done

dynamic of urgency and just getting things done

reactivity and convenience and just using what is visible and available or modeling what others are doing


and deliberative privacy; spaces to think together

hacking mentality of stack



gendered and care labour of building emotional connection

how to formally name and recognize that


tool that look at tech stack

social tools and processes that are used within orgs

all hands format of large orgs

awards, recognition



digital therapy

shame/awareness of realities of tools (choices or not)

org culture and communications

org culture needs to be defined just like

policy to create norms and how can also reinforce power dynamics

lack of collectivist grounding

what does it mean do things collectively

example: love machine at Linden Lab

guidelines online

org work flows, power dynamics

information flows and where power dynamics and silences


attention spans

traditional orgs and coalitions have very different needs diff between ground rules and policy

more personal accountability

how much power has come up

micro changes/existing practices to incorporate into work flows

gendered labour within internal communication

each org has unique needs

large orgs people need structure