Emergency Comms with Ham Radio
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Emergency communications with Ham Radio
Look here for the official & comprehensive handout for session: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FxWiaqAT1nkrPynAYwWoiapQbHCUieQjjcyvZryGTO4/edit?usp=sharing
- Local comms over short distances
- Most new amateurs start out with VHF and UHF radios either portable or mobile
- Radio waves behave differently during different times of the day, weather and solar conditions
- Use of repeaters located in high altitude locations takes a low power signal and boosts it to be heard over longer distances and overcome obstacles or interference
- Features to look for in an emergency radio
- Alerts
- power efficiency & easy to charge
- GPS, Bluetooth, APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) and other modes
- Durable
- Easy to program
- Ham is for amateur not commercial transmissions
- Unencrypted transmissions only
- FCC License required
- Various on-site and web-based communities and discussions
- political, religion and sex
- Social networks exist on-air
- Health check-in nets during pandemic
- Various bands frequencies on the radio spectrum are available
- First level Technician class allows for 2-meter or VHF, 70-centimeter or UHF, 6-meter band from 50-54 MHz, the 1.25-meter band at 222-225 MHz and the 23-centimeter 1240-1300 MHz bands
- https://ARRL.org
- https://QRZ.com
- https://website.org
- https://wiki.bayareamesh.us
- https://SFARC.org
- Check YouTube for plethora of amateur radio videos