Co-ops and distributed leadership
Shared Leadership Notes - Co-Op Session
What are the realities of politics and dynamics of a group
Does a flat hierarchy create chaos
Things we mentioned wanting to learn more about/discuss today:
How to enable self-management
How to have structure without hierarchy
Kinds of non-traditional leadership that we want to model
What does co-leadership and other models look like
Working with an established long tenure co-op/ collective
Collaborative leadership and interpersonal conflicts
Rethinking of how civil society organizes itself
Dynamic Hierarchies
- Roles change or rotate
- So if someone needs to leave, anyone can take over
- Some specialty roles are static, some rotate such as:
- Note take, liaison, coordinator
- Having 3 co-directors = some redundancy
- All partners, all signatories, can make decisions for each other
- Vacations, sick days become much easier
From a Corporate Point of View:
Empowering People
- Accountability
- Scrum Methodology
- People with Areas of focus communicate their goals for the year
- Use Scrum to create point system for your task ( to quantify your work)
- Helps relieve from competition or people who want to be the ‘star’
- Github is used for everything
- Make a pull request for anything
- Adopted Decision Making Matrix from Ampled
- Who can sign checks, etc
People want structure and sometimes equate it to hierarchy
Being very clear about Operational & Co-Op structure is very helpful
- Define structure with document about how decisions are made aka MOU (memorandum of understanding)
“If you’ve met one co-op, you’ve met one co-op”
Separate the legal from organization structure.
Be transparent about documentation
Tools do not matter, what matters is the culture
Collective responsibility is not a thing
Figure out boundaries / Agree upon expectations
Unlearn scarcity and trauma of finances
- Deep sense of competition and scarcity are applied to things that are not scarce
The Power of Facilitation to replace the idea of Leadership
- A really good facilitator is good if they are invisible and everyone says ‘I made it happen’
- Collective Success vs Individual Success
- Setting aside egos
Corporate Structure:
- Co-Op C Corp (super worker protective language in the law) or LLC can be a co-op
- Tip on Figuring out how to ‘comply with capitalism’: Create ‘Titles’ for the state but you don’t have to adhere to them
- Some states do not allow EDs to be paid much more than other workers
SustainableEconomiesLaw Center - for worker directed non-profits, different types of co-ops and what makes sense
Tools for collective decision making for a more democratic system
- Vote via Chat
- Lumio for consensus-based tracking
- Modified Consensus Matrix
- RACY / DARCY Matrix - resposible, accountable, Informed