2020 Agenda
Aspiration events are first and foremost convened to strengthen the ties and social networks of technology practitioners in the nonprofit/nongovernmental sectors.
The agenda is designed and facilitated using Aspiration's participatory model, in an environment where powerpoint slides are not a thing, and dialogue and collaboration drive the learning.
Our philosophy centers around getting participants into small-group discussions where they can discuss topics they are passionate about and get answers to their questions and curiosities. Sessions at Aspiration events have particular traits; we de-emphasize broadcast behaviors and fetishizing expertism, and instead focus on "break-out" sessions that are self-organized whenever possible to meet the specific needs of those present, in accessible, inclusive ways.
Please note: This is a truly dynamic agenda, and sessions are likely to move around and evolve. We thank everyone in advance for the flexibility.
Wednesday November 18
Opening Session
(9.00 PT / 17.00 UTC)
Story sharing from across our community
(10.05 PT / 18.05 UTC)
Lifting up stories and projects from across our network:
- Campaigning and organizing for justice in Texas
- What's new and what's happening with Tor Browser and Tor Community
- Fundraising during Covid using open source tools
- AccessNow HelpLine: Supporting security needs of human rights activists
- Gender-based violence: the tolls of raising awareness in Mexican online spaces during 2020
- SignalBoost - Lessons from the real world of secure and anonymous organizing and protest
- Organizing in the DWeb Community and DWeb principles
- OpenStreetMap and the state of open mapping in 2020
(10.50 PT / 18.50 UTC)
Working Sessions I
(11.10 PT / 19.10 UTC)
Confirmed sessions are below, and we look forward to co-creating additional sessions in each Working Sessions time slot!
- Leveraging our collective 'sense of crisis' to avoid going back to business-as usual
- Weaving collective care in our work and activism
- Moving an organization to a place where we can talk meaningfully about our mission and values
- Running virtual meetings that have heart and don't suck
- Working for Economic Justice work in East Los Angeles
- Alternative infrastructure for social movements: what dare we dream?
Closing Session
(12.40 PT / 20.40 UTC)
(13.00 PT / 21.00 UTC)
Social time
Thursday, November 19
Opening Session
(9.00 PT / 17.00 UTC)
Working Sessions II
(9.20 PT / 17.20 UTC)
Confirmed sessions are below, and we look forward to co-creating additional sessions in each Working Sessions time slot!
- Strategy and leadership vs tools: striking a sustainable balance
- The state of press freedom and what you can do to help Freedom of the Press Foundation
- Advocating for health and safety with a "progressive" administration: challenges and lessons on moving to work from home with immigrant populations - (E)
- Sharing and comparing “believable accountability processes”: Peer sharing on what has worked and what hasn’t worked
- The state of nonprofit CRM
(10.50 PT / 18.50 UTC)
(11.10 PT / 19.10 UTC)
- Add your skill offers or skill requests here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/aspirationdevsummit20-skillshare
Closing Session
(12.40 PT / 20.40 UTC)
(13.00 PT / 21.00 UTC)
Friday, November 20
Opening Session
(9.00 PT / 17.00 UTC)
Working Sessions III
(9.20 PT / 17.20 UTC)
Confirmed sessions are below, and we look forward to co-creating additional sessions in each Working Sessions time slot!
- Coops Solidarity Session
- Facilitating leadership development as a group learning process
- Organizing mutual aid and trauma-sensitive support after the Alameda Fires, Rogue Valley
- Practicing self care and avoiding burnout in the time of Covid
(10.50 PT / 18.50 UTC)
Working Sessions IV
(11.10 PT / 19.10 UTC)
Confirmed sessions are below, and we look forward to co-creating additional sessions in each Working Sessions time slot!