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Constantly coming up against examples of bad leadership - both in Trump context, and larger strengthening of the Far Right. How do we analyze and embody leadership qualities as a way of effecting social change?

  • Seeding leadership and growing leadership
  • Meditating and looking at idea of reflective leadership
  • Leadership as a skillset in its own right
  • What does leadership actually look like when done "properly"
  • New ideas based on experience
  • Breaking down archetypes and power dynamics of leadership

Good leadership, and what does it look like/examples? / Bad leadership, what does it look like/examples?

  • What were specific qualities of "leaders" that had a positive impact on you
  • "...." negative impact, or bad impression on you

What are the leadership traits that we'll need on The Left in order to combat The Right?

  • Part of what it means to "Left" is a suspicion of authority; could be difficult to then accept and take leadership because we're kind of allergic to it.
  • Concept of *power* - is allergy to "leadership" actually an allergy to "power"? Does leadership need to be focused on one person in power?
  • What *type* of leader do you want to be? Leader with integrity, or leader or power or status?
  • "Global intersectional vision" - need more willingness to look elsewhere for other examples and be able to incorporate it.
  • "Objective Introspection" - knowing yourself, knowing your leadership style, knowing your strengths.

Empower people to have a voice at the table, enabling all the voices to be heard - but leaders must also be able to listen themselves.

  • Build people into their full potential, which is *not* always leadership - particularly challenging with coalition or widely "shared" leadership.
  • Listening, hearing, acting - striking a balance between these 3.
  • Disentangling leadership from consensus - perfect consensus building doesn't need to be a hallmark of good leadership, and vice versa.

"You're not special"- People who have had most impact have been the most selfless.

  • So many Type A personalities in the US, but all they do is damage. Not contributing to finding a way forward.
  • Facilitation -> Leadership role, steering a conversation, guiding constructive decision making. ENCOURAGING AND SUPPORTING *PARTICIPATION*
  • What are we doing now? What is the point? Where are we headed? Okay, now that we've done this, this is our decision.
  • Understand behavioral science and behavioral bias - reference to "growing a Democratic personality"

Identification of *failed* leadership - what does that look like? Need to understand what is broken in order to fix something.

  • Leadership requires acceptance of risk and humility.
  • Talking about power, not paranoia.
  • If we start talking about detrimental aspects, need to structure conversations to lead to improvement and not just critique.