Scaling the WiserLocals: Focusing on the Online/Offline Balance

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Online and offline community building

Identification of opportunities and challenges: moving an originally online community to a face-to-face setup. Doing the reverse. On the ground organizing growing out of online organizing. Understanding leverage between the two communities. How do we continue to engage and meet the commitments that we made with clients/partners.

Net squared has many autonomous communities which the central folks don't know a lot about. They have 93 groups and have doubled their size in a year. 60,000 users with lots of cultural differences. How to organize face to face gatherings? Online community manager has helped. Sustainability and social justice.

NTEN. Runs email groups with some in person events. Trying to invigorate discuss forums.

A good question would be 'what does success look like?'

Incentives for active users or rating of participants.

Meet up. The tool is often less important than the individuals and their involvement level. Showing the impact of posts or tweets is a motivator.