2024 Agenda
Aspiration events are first and foremost convened to strengthen the ties and social networks of digital practitioners across a range of civil society sectors.
The #npdev session list is co-developed with participants, facilitators, and partners in the time leading up to and during the Festival. We strongly encourage you to join in the fun at this unique and interactive gathering!
The agenda is designed and facilitated using Aspiration's unique participatory model, in an environment where powerpoint slides are not seen and dialogue and collaboration drive the learning.
Our philosophy centers around getting participants into small-group discussions where they can discuss topics they are passionate about and get answers to their questions and curiosities.
Raves and Recommendations
- Book Recommendations and much more!
Wednesday November 20
All times US Pacific
9:00 Opening Circle
9:45 Meeting One Another
10:45 Break
11:00 Storysharing From Across Our Community
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Working Sessions I
- Discerning when to centralize and when to decentralize
- Security practitioners solidarity circle
- Design practitioners solidarity circle
- Communicating your org or project identity
- Public compute infrastructure
- Movement hosting I
- AI policy principles in California
- Building effective narratives
- Running a small nonprofit-focused business
- Starting a nonprofit with the right principles
- Nonprofit operations
- The Collective Power Playbook
16:00 Closing Circle
17:00 Adjourn
Dev Summit Happy Hour
Thursday, November 21
9:00 Opening Circle
9:15 Working Sessions II
- Reimagining liberation
- Internal communications
- Protecting journalists
- Meaningful work
- Risk and threat modeling
- Fundraising from a position of power and pride
- Assessing movement technology needs
- Securitization
- Intergenerational leadership
- A zine for mental health
- Joy, pleasure, and resistance
10:45 Break
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Working Sessions III
- Movement hosting narrative
- Union organizing
- Nonprofit CRM
- HAM radio
- Resisting maximalist data policies
- Queer/trans learning and sharing
- Addressing threats to 501(c)(3) organizations
- Learning improv skills
- Redefining data/digital culture
- Electoral reform
- Remote teams
- Making the maps we want
- Democracy, technology, and Haiti
16:00 Closing Circle
17:00 Adjourn
Self-organized dinners, drinks and other fun
Semi-Official Dev Summit dinner destination: Shan Dong 328 10th St, Oakland, CA 94607
Friday, November 22
9:00 Opening Circle
9:15 Working Sessions IV
- Learning from our f-ups
- Backdrop, Drupal and CMS
- Nature Journaling
- Tech to policy change pipeline
- Governance
- Critical infrastructure I
- Ethical Consulting 2024
- Security practitioners solidarity II
- Nurturing networks of practice
- Solving fundraising problems
10:45 Break
11:00 Working Sessions V
- Art and resistance
- Wordpress 2024
- Coops and workplace democracy
- Collective intelligence
- Critical infrastructure II
- Scaling organizations and networks
- Working with influencers
- Sustaining movement building and movement work year-round
- Slowing down
- Emergency Comms with Ham Radio
- AI and ethics
- Digital public infrastructure
- Movement onboarding