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Javascript -- things to know about frameworks!
SO many frameworks, it can be tricky
Beginning list of frameworks:
- Ember
- Angular [very powerful/complex, "magical"]
- Meteor [seems most complex/powerful]
- Express.js
- Sales.js
- backbone.jsf [more basic, least "magical" eg we can see what's doing what, is useful] Backbone with express in a backend
- D3 - data visualizations
- Javascript is for a web-based application
- 2 philosophies
- 1. set of interlinked libraries -- build out of w/ your own code
- ex. jquery - langage, doesn't modify code
- ex. php likes a library
- 2. framework b which code has flows into a structure & includes libraries, it's
- ex. works well w/ Ruby, Python
- Javascript frameworks vs front end frameworks. Try to separate the logic from the HTML/dom modification.
- ex. jquery "touching thigns on page all over" -- not a framework
- ex. manipulating logic behing page, framework
- Now with increased power applications can be built on the browser, not inside the server; the application existis in the browser
- Philosophy: angular, backbone
- things you can add to your HTML, data tags, how to handle server requests [ajaxy things]
- convention over configuration
- Angular "its like magic" -- takes things out of your head and puts it in the framework
- Ask yourself: how much do you want to get in and do things, vs. a convention-based approach.
- eg do more vs. you only have so many places of contact
- Frameworks -- declare functions, apply a "data show"
- gives you more structure, but also not as clear how it does what it does
- eg. what if it breaks
- abstracts further out than a library
- Before frameworks, it was all about one-use applying scripts to DOM [HTML] elements, now it's more about redefining tags which themselves are defined applications.
- eg <map> as a DOM tag relates to a Javascript function
- The word magic has been used 4 times in the first 20 minutes. People love frameworks!
- For the last few years, ppl chose Backbone bc it worked well
- where do you do the application-level binding? Is code in HTML or somewhere else =To DOM elements?
- LIBRARY: <get some data
- script to do things to data
- coordinate libraries
- configure the page DOM>
- go out to the frameworks' functions
- get some data
- configure the page DOM>
- Backbone* -- backbonejs.org
- no magic
- tools for fetching and syncing data
- DOM manipulation via views function "render" [which do nothing, you have to make those work]
- to update DOM you have to call render again
- manually write code to change HTML
- has a few on-click events
- very simple objcts taht have clear responsibilities
- model [data]
- collection [of modles]
- view [ties DOM w data]
- router [ties web to view rendering]
- SImilar to application, iOS development in terms of haow data and view dev works
- only answers in-browser side of things
- Can be very straightforward, doesn't get in the way, also doesn't help out much.
- Can do "weird" things w/
- can help you organize well w/o bringing in too much too do
- need to program in "listen to data, if data changes, render"
- Use Case scenarios:
- for complex modal, rather stateful triggering operations
- yes a blog w real-time filtering; hitting filters so results change w/o reloading page
- Ember
- Rails core team wanted a JS framework
- Aligned w Rails philosophy
- For profit company
- Came out of a google team
- USed a lot for shopping carts
- Separates data from the view
- ex. change page title via user
- Good at data binding
- data binding is "
- ex. user inputs 2 shirts into cart, bringing info back after user
- Similar to Phython: taking that it gathers data then spews it back out to you
- Relatively easy to learn, lots of documentation
- Hard to debug--2x to debug than to build because it's so automagical
- will re-render page if data changes; will cycle "detect changes on object"
- Angular 2 coming out soon, changing API
- both a front-end and a server-side solution
- will generate page and save data
- will have one set of codebase
- if Im on client run x; If I'm on server run x
- have one set of functions that work on client and server -- don't need server and client validation
- a plaform as opposed to a framework
- acts a bit as Apache; creates complex development
- has deployment, protocol, et al.
- use case: highly concurrent things
- eg. replace Web Sockets
- Its easier to take metor apps to make into iPhone / Android apps --> one script to do so
- is a for-profit endeavour
- is a node.js application
- node is a runtime environment / virtual machine that allows js to run in your server
- node is also a collection of utilities
- is a framework but it's so basic we think of it as a javascript runtim on the server
- gives u a way to package js code in a library structure - this is how ppl share
- program runs on browser, node makes server work
- uses--re-build tools: brunch, grunt, et al [making code changes then show up on browser]
- brunch, grunt, make:
- reload, rebuild tools to update browser-based apps after code updates
- Share JS*
- OS implementation of Google Wave
- "pipe my data w Share.js" and everything syncs across multiple views
- Marionette
- extention to Backbone
- you can read thru source code in a few libraries
- tied to utility libraries LowDash or UnderScore
- LowDash or UnderScore
- libraries with additional functions
- extention to Backbone
- todo.app --> test various to-do lists in
- New Javascript is coming: "ES6 Harmony"
- Will be like Phython + Javascript + CoffeeScript deprecates things like "require JS"
- community maintainers
- the community stability
- eg. backbone is stable, angular has massive changes coming up
- brunch keeps having changes, make doesn't...
- How do you evaluate the community of an open source project>
- issue queues,
- how do they do updates? major rewrites all the time vs. bug fixes
- polite responses,
- who can make commits,
- how are patches accepted,
- are there security alerts,
- enough people are maintaining other libraries that are not centrally controlled
- are there versions released...
- making apps ppl can access on the web makes more open/free applications than the
native apps on devices
- makes it easier to build components w/o having to learn multiple languages, many
access points
- List of JavaScript libraries: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_JavaScript_libraries
- Learn Javascript! "Series of unfortunate events."
- D3: data visualize what you're building
- Sideprojects
- FireFoxOS --> mobile wrapper; mobile version of firefox, put one line in code
- is a ROM [runs the phone]
- the new ones, its a much nicer phone, 3rd party wrappers don't work
- different philosophy in global disto [smart phone under $100]