What Should a Nonprofit Technology RFP Look Like?

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Aspiration’s RFP process (Matt G)

How to facilitate relationships between tech and nonprofits.

RFP process if very user-centric, guided by Aspiration’s social action focus and philosophy.

Concept: values not features… Conversations about technology and tools come last.

Re-brand RFP: “Really Fun Projects”

Elements of Aspiration’s RFP process for website dev (small chunks of homework):

To guide process: Put together community advisory group that represent the target audiences that can give good feedback on entire process. Engage 10-20 people to participate throughout the process. Have ongoing conversations with this group.

All of the following are evolving processes…

Goals – what you’re trying to get done. Target audiences – focus on 3-5 target audiences that you serve or will eventually serve (stress value frame – be humble to the user). Prioritize. User stories – (easier language/concept than work flow). For each target audience surface the value(s), develop user profile, including what value you’re providing. Questions to ask: why would anyone use that? Why would anyone use that again? All stakeholders in the room, asking them WHAT THEY WANT and LISTENING. Start off with all possibilities and then trim down. Develop inventory of user needs/wants. [DRAFT] Site map/information architecture (for website). No tools selected. Incl. asking them about what websites they like/what they already like about their current site (for website redesign). This process helps to develop a shared language.

[Steps up to now could be seen as phase 1. Worthy to have some work on this done beforehand.]

Wireframes (flexible) Coexistence Other design standards Other system requirements